
What is Liposuction?

One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed today, liposuction is able to sculpt the body and improve the body shape by removing unwanted fat from specific areas. Liposuction, also called liposculpture or suction-assisted lipectomy, is more of an art form than any other cosmetic plastic surgery procedure. Using excellent technical skills and a well-honed artistic vision, Dr. Glick sculpts and contours the body to the desired outcomes. The most frequently treated areas in women are the abdomen, flanks and hips, thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, and even the chin; while in men we typically perform liposuction on the abdomen and flanks, the breasts, and the neck and chin.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction are individuals in good physical condition and mental health, who have unwanted areas of persistent and stubborn excess fat and have realistic expectations.. Liposuction is not weight-loss surgery, nor is it a substitute for proper weight reduction. Liposuction can, however, target specific areas of the body and help create more slim, well-proportioned, and natural-looking contours and an overall youthful and balanced appearance.
Most patients have several different areas which, despite conservative measures such as diet and exercise, remain problematic and cosmetically bothersome. Your skin, ideally, must be reasonably elastic. Skin tone and elasticity allows it to assume the new contour after the fat has been removed. Patients who have experienced large fluctuations in their body weight are often poor candidates for liposuction, as their skin has lost its tone and elasticity. During you consultation with Dr. Glick, you will discuss all relevant matters and decide whether liposuction surgery is right for you.


Initial Consultation Prior to Liposuction

At your initial consultation, Dr. Glick and you will carefully discuss your aesthetic concerns and define a tailored plan to improve their appearance. Your goals and expectations will be carefully considered and clarified. Your medical and surgical history will be reviewed in detail, and a physical examination will be conducted. Depending on your aesthetic concerns and anatomy, Dr. Glick and you will formulate your liposuction operative plan.

Preparation for Liposuction

Liposuction can be classified as minor or major surgery, depending on how much work is to be done, and thus, appropriate preparation is necessary. Dr. Glick may request that you visit your private medical doctor for a check-up and for any necessary lab work and x-rays. Precise preoperative instructions will be reviewed, and all necessary prescriptions will be given to you in advance of your liposuction. You will be instructed to avoid smoking, blood thinning medications, and all aspirin, aspirin-containing products, and anti-inflammatory products (Advil® or ibuprofen, and Aleve®) at least ten days before surgery. In order to promote optimal healing, complete and comprehensive preoperative instructions will be provided to you, detailing which medications to avoid, and which vitamins, minerals, and homeopathic preparations are ok to take prior to and after cosmetic liposuction. For your own safety and comfort you will need to designate a chaperon/care taker that can escort you home after the procedure. You should plan to have some help with house-hold chores, such as cooking and cleaning, as these activities are fairly difficult in the immediate postoperative period. Get plenty of rest, and dress in comfortable layered clothing.

What Type of Anesthesia do you need for liposuction?

Liposuction is usually an ambulatory surgery procedure that is performed both under sedation and local anesthesia as well as under general anesthesia. The procedure can be performed in our fully-accredited ambulatory surgery facility or the hospital, and may or may not require an overnight stay. Along with our Board-certified anesthesiologist, Dr. Glick will consult with you to help you decide on the best anesthesia plan for your liposuction procedure.

How does Dr. Glick do liposuction?

There are several different techniques for performing liposuction, with each one having its own set of indications and expected outcomes. All liposuction techniques, however, involve making very small incisions (about ¼ inch) to insert a hollow metal tube, called a cannula, to both insert fluid and aspirate fatty tissue. The incisions are hidden in inconspicuous areas such as the navel, the buttock crease, or other naturally occurring body folds and landmarks to minimize scar visibility.

Dr. Glick performs tumescent liposuction, the latest and most advanced techniques in cosmetic plastic surgery. In this technique, tumescent fluid is injected into the targeted areas first. The fluid is a dilute solution of local anesthesia and a vasoconstricting agent to help reduce bleeding. The excess fat is then suctioned through the metal cannula a cosmetically pleasing outcome is reached. The incisions are then closed with one or two small stitches, and an elastic garment will be especially fitted for you. Several different areas may be suctioned during one procedure, or alternatively, liposuction can be combined with other procedures such as breast surgery or tummy tuck. The time required to perform liposuction varies considerably, depending on the number of treated areas, amount of fat to be removed, and other adjunct procedures.

What are the differences between liposuction for women and liposuction for men?

Both men and women can benefit from the slimming effects of cosmetic liposuction surgery. As a significant portion of Dr. Glick’s practice is dedicated to men, he is well versed in the distinct nuances of the anatomical and cosmetic differences between men and women. At Dr. Glick’s Plastic Surgery, preparation and recovery for liposuction are similar in most men and women, but that’s where the similarities end. Using impeccable technique, Dr. Glick ensures sculpting the most natural feminine curves for women, and accentuates definition of certain muscles and masculine lines in men.

Recovery and the Postoperative Period

Liposuction is usually an outpatient procedure that requires only a short rest in our comfortable recovery suite. Once surgery is completed, you will recover fully from the effects of anesthesia, and be escorted home with your designated caregiver. You will be encouraged to stay as active as possible at home for the first several days and throughout your recovery period. In most cases the bruising is minimal and resolves after the first week, and most patients return to work and social activities after 1 to 2 weeks.

A snug elastic garment or body stocking must be worn over the treated area for 2 to 3 weeks after liposuction. This is done not only to control swelling and bruising, but also to minimize postoperative pain. The final result may not be evident for 6 to 8 weeks. Dr. Glick recommends avoidance of strenuous physical exercise for approximately 6 weeks following cosmetic liposuction surgery. As always, you are encouraged to stay active, eat a healthy diet, and exercise as tolerated. Dr. Glick and our medical team will closely follow up with you to make sure that your healing is going well.

Results of liposuction

The results of cosmetic liposuction surgery are smoother and well-proportioned contours and curves with minimal, unnoticeable scarring. Not only will you look great, you will also notice a substantial change in the way that you feel. In fact, it is not uncommon for patients report additional weight loss following liposuction, due to the increased level of physical activity. Liposuction results are permanent, though various lifestyle and hereditary factors may impact on your long-term results. Dr. Glick’s encourages maintenance of the slimming effects of liposuction with an appropriate fitness level and healthy diet.

How much does liposuction cost?

Liposuction costs vary depending on exactly what technique is used and which areas are treated. This will be outlined in detail during your consultation. Financing options are readily available.

What are Dr. Glick’s patients saying after liposuction surgery?

Dr. Glick’s liposuction patients are thrilled with their new toned and contoured lines and curves. Read what they have to say about the benefits of being a patient at Dr. Glick’s Plastic Surgery.